Help! Civic wont start!
Band Wagon
Started my 91 wagon today, took off, 20 seconds down the road it stalled on me and refuses to start! No spark. Probably cap and rotor I'm guessing? Would the main relay make the car have no spark like that also?
Sorry for the newbie questions!
Sorry for the newbie questions!
Don't guess. Troubleshoot.
I see nothing about you checking your fuses. Check them ALL. You'll be surprised what fuses control what. I spent two days diagnosing my new car because I overlooked a blown fuse that I though I had checked.
Good luck.
Pull your cap quick and check to make sure your rotor screw hasn't backed out. report back!
1. Car randomly shuts off
2. Car won't start
3. Car starts after sitting for awhile
....all symptoms of a failing Main relay. Eventually when it completely fails the car will not start at all. What is happening is that there are solder points on the chip board that have become brittle over time with heat and vibration.
If you have a $10 soldering iron from Wal-Mart, you can fix this. Simply remove the plastic cover from the relay you will see the solder points. Re-flow them touching the iron to the base of the chip board and the lead just long enough to melt the solder at each point. I alway add a touch of fresh rosin-core solder just to ensure there is sufficient "Flux" in the mix of solder to created a clean bond between the lead and board. After the unit has cooled for a few minutes, reassemble unit.
It's as easy as that!