ordering honda b series bearings need some help

so im rebuilding a b20z2 and i wanna use oem bearings im just confused on how to ID the main bearings this is a first for me i downloaded a crv service manual pdf to do this the right way i don't quite understand this chart

Heirs my crank i used red so you could clearly see what its stamped and where i know its upside down but thats so you can see whats stamped on the block aswell

this is all i could figure

ill be buying these off majestic Honda's web site sine they seem to have good priceshttp://www.hondaautomotiveparts.com/auto/jsp/mws/prddisplay.jsp?inputstate=5&catcgry1=CR-V&catcgry2=1999&catcgry3=5DR+EX&catcgry4=KA5MT&catcgry5=CRANKSHAFT+-+PISTON
but its listing things weird like bearing (A-upper-blue) bearing (B-upper-green) and so on just need some guidance on this for my first build


  • JDMWago666JDMWago666 Senior Wagonist
    If your crank is standard size than your bearings should be standard size also. They should have the option to be standard size or oversize. When I took my crank in to get polished they told me what size bearings I needed to get. If youre unsure of what size than take the crank to a machine shop and have them measure it for you. Hope this helps.
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