Do you have a pre-header dyno? I'd be interested to see what that one nets you.
i dont i do know the K24A2 makes 200hp from factory. hopefully i'm going to go pick up a K20 head here soon and i will be running basic boltons and a tune.. should net me around 250whp mark NA. *fingers crossed*
OH! just ordered my CJS full tuck Milspec harness today!!! hopefully it'll be done soon! Thanks to Dana aka My_EEWagon for the linkup with Carlos at CJS
one Spoon piece i have been hunting for YEARSSSS finally came in the mail today
Spoon Vanity Plate
also ordered a stage 2 Comp clutch and 11.5lbs flywheel today.. just playing the waiting game for parts to come in.. Hybrid-Racing parts should be in in a couple days also waiting on my pedal assembly to get here so i can hook up the Hush performance cable to hydro kit..
Nice. You should set up a timer or something. Check your revs to redline and then do it again with the new flywheel and see what the difference is. Would be some random fun info to have.
Nice stuff right there, and jesus hell with the air fresheners. You should hang those all from the ceiling and Re-enact that scene from Seven.
Random question regarding the shifter, but can the handle setup be rotated 90 to move the actual shifter closer to you? Just curious. I have an angle extension on mine to move it over more towards me. But that's mostly cause I messed up on the alignment when welding and have been too lazy to redo it.
Looks good!! Keep it up!!
thank you
i spent quite a bit of money on parts yesterday, sadly i wont be able to put a cage in the car before i move but it will get done in the near future
i dont i do know the K24A2 makes 200hp from factory. hopefully i'm going to go pick up a K20 head here soon and i will be running basic boltons and a tune.. should net me around 250whp mark NA. *fingers crossed*
30th Anniversary Confetti Recaro's
Cant wait to get them mounted in the car!!
need to get a 89-91 civic pedal assembly
also remaking custom seat brackets for the Recaro's today.. Hopefully we'll get the driver side seat in today
Another package came in today
contacted PCI and talked to the owner to see if he could make me some skirts for the wagon which he did i cant wait to put them on tomorrow!
PCI Skirts and diffuser are on somewhat.. Going to have to do a bit of fabrication on them and test fit the recaros in the car! its getting there
Test fitting for the win ha
OH! just ordered my CJS full tuck Milspec harness today!!! hopefully it'll be done soon! Thanks to Dana aka My_EEWagon for the linkup with Carlos at CJS
Spoon Vanity Plate
also ordered a stage 2 Comp clutch and 11.5lbs flywheel today.. just playing the waiting game for parts to come in.. Hybrid-Racing parts should be in in a couple days also waiting on my pedal assembly to get here so i can hook up the Hush performance cable to hydro kit..
as well as something else
i think they gave me enough air freshiners lmao!
Random question regarding the shifter, but can the handle setup be rotated 90 to move the actual shifter closer to you? Just curious. I have an angle extension on mine to move it over more towards me. But that's mostly cause I messed up on the alignment when welding and have been too lazy to redo it.
i have been tinkering around with lightroom since i bought my iMac hahaha
welp got moar stuffs in the mail!!! im soooo stoked to put these on!!
i made a detailed how to thread in the brakes section of the forums if anyone would like to know how i did everything and what parts i used