Crankshaft Compatibility for the DOHC ZC

I recently bought a EF hatch for the ZC engine. Im going to rebuild it and am pretty sure the crank is F'd from spun bearing. To keep cost down from buying a new crank I need to know if any other crank will work since I have every D series crank sittin on my shelf. I have google searched but cant confirm if any other crank works with the ZC. Please let me know. Thanks


  • ludemanludeman Wagonist
    There are 2 different sized crank gear on the zc. I used a d16a6 crank in my obd0 dohc zc. Pull the gear and pulley off and see what it fits on
  • ZCHondaCRX91ZCHondaCRX91 New Wagonist
    There is a 24 and 22mm snout crank. For the 86-89 integra:

    86-87 D16A1 has 22mm snout
    88-89 D16A1 has 24mm snout

    If it's the 24mm snout you can use a D16A6/Z6 SOHC ZC basically any D16 crank with the right size snout. The easiest to find is the A6 crank. If it's the 22mm snout crank, then find another DOHC ZC one or a 86-87 D16A1. Either way you got options.
  • sofastsofast New Wagonist
    Thanks dudes. Ill verify the crankshaft that i have and use what is recomended. Thanks
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