FINALLY managed to lift the front end. but, now my front axles seem to be hating it more then they should, making a rough-ish feel while driving, as if a bearing was rattling around or something. idk. anyway, also painted the reflector housing on the headlights yellow. thoughts?
You must be lifted quite a bit more than mine, I think my axles are still pretty much horizontal. My one doesnt seem down on power but my tyres arnt as big as yours. Certainly doesnt handle the bends as well as it used to
Vladi, i used stained glass spray paint. Krylon i believe?
The issue i am having is that the car started making a grinding-ish feel pretty much immediately after the front end lift. Its a solid 4 inches higher then stock, with the tires and lift spacers. The axles are far from horizontal, they are angled about 3-5*? There seems to be quite a bit of stress in them. They were just rebuilt about 2 or 3 months ago with some heavy duty grease and boots and whatnot so thats not the issue. All i can really think of is that i need to lower the front back down about 1/2 inch or so... I'll get some pics of axle location later tonight. Ha!
And NZ, these rims alone probably outweigh your wheel and tire combo :P i think they are 35 lbs a piece, before tires! I really should have gone with a 215/75 tire, and maybe try and find some nice aluminum rims, but oh well. Hindsight is 20/20 as they say.
And NZ, these rims alone probably outweigh your wheel and tire combo :P i think they are 35 lbs a piece, before tires! I really should have gone with a 215/75 tire, and maybe try and find some nice aluminum rims, but oh well. Hindsight is 20/20 as they say.
Maybe not quite, my wheels are Rally wheels (say "for competition use only") and are very heavy duty. I havnt actually had a wheel/tyre off myself to know the weight but yes yours are obviously heavier.
So, here is a view of my driveshaft angle. Granted, its parked on an uphill slope so the weight here is tilted towards the back, rasing the front even more, about 3/4 inch or so.
well i went a head and lowered the front down about a half inch. rides perfect now! thank God.
also installed a new Borla muffler. its a bit louder then i wanted, but oh well! engine runs a bit smoother with it so that's brilliant.
had a little fun yesterday, with all the rain, it was fantastic!
couple pics from this past weeks mudding adventure
funny story, took out my Land Rover into some deeeeep mud (foolish) and sunk down to it's axles, and got stuck. came back with a friend's 4x4 Blazer, that got stuck before even getting to the Landy. came back with the CRV to check things out, did NOT even come close to getting stuck lol eventually pulled out the Landy with a F-250, except that the F-250 also got stuck on the way to the Landy LOL. good times were to be had. once again, CRV just blazed through like nobody's business. mind you it was the only vehicle out there without true 4WD.
Honda, be very proud of what you have created!
(to be fair, the Landy got pretty damn far in the swamp, where i didnt dare take the V.. )
at this point the Landy was already pulled out of the deep end :O
the F-250 winching himself out, used a Tacoma and my CRV as anchor points.
the Blazer, it just slid off the path (bad tires haha)
got pulled out by this Discovery!
at the end of this ordeal, the CRV was looking pretty... poor car.
What paint did you use?
i might have missed it but what is the issue with lifting the front?
The issue i am having is that the car started making a grinding-ish feel pretty much immediately after the front end lift. Its a solid 4 inches higher then stock, with the tires and lift spacers. The axles are far from horizontal, they are angled about 3-5*? There seems to be quite a bit of stress in them. They were just rebuilt about 2 or 3 months ago with some heavy duty grease and boots and whatnot so thats not the issue. All i can really think of is that i need to lower the front back down about 1/2 inch or so... I'll get some pics of axle location later tonight. Ha!
And NZ, these rims alone probably outweigh your wheel and tire combo :P i think they are 35 lbs a piece, before tires! I really should have gone with a 215/75 tire, and maybe try and find some nice aluminum rims, but oh well. Hindsight is 20/20 as they say.
Thanks man! See above post :P
New Movie?
CRV Attack 1???
DO IT ! ! !
Maybe not quite, my wheels are Rally wheels (say "for competition use only") and are very heavy duty. I havnt actually had a wheel/tyre off myself to know the weight but yes yours are obviously heavier.
also installed a new Borla muffler. its a bit louder then i wanted, but oh well! engine runs a bit smoother with it so that's brilliant.
had a little fun yesterday, with all the rain, it was fantastic!
funny story, took out my Land Rover into some deeeeep mud (foolish) and sunk down to it's axles, and got stuck. came back with a friend's 4x4 Blazer, that got stuck before even getting to the Landy. came back with the CRV to check things out, did NOT even come close to getting stuck lol
Honda, be very proud of what you have created!
(to be fair, the Landy got pretty damn far in the swamp, where i didnt dare take the V.. )
at this point the Landy was already pulled out of the deep end :O
the F-250 winching himself out, used a Tacoma and my CRV as anchor points.
the Blazer, it just slid off the path (bad tires haha)
got pulled out by this Discovery!
at the end of this ordeal, the CRV was looking pretty... poor car.
That looks like the good old fun of my youth... I have had many vehicles stuck..