1987 FWD Wagovan tranny types?

I'm a noob I'm trying to replace my transmission seals because my CV axle popped out but I can't figure out what type of tranny I have. Where do I find the code? It's a 87 FWD wagovan 1.5L. And supposedly there's E2R5, GS, or GWH49 types and stuff. I found a code on the bottom of the casing but it started with a U, so it wasn't it.


  • tgwang4tgwang4 Band Wagon
    So I found GW-2633141 on the differential cover, so is that the same as GWH49? I'm trying to buy the transmission output seal and there are so many different types, but nothing just GW.
  • JDMWago666JDMWago666 Senior Wagonist
    In all honesty you might have better luck on redpepperracing.com I think that's how you spell it. They are more into the 87 and older civics and the carburated stuff. Good luck, hope you find what you're looking for.
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