Need help deciding on engine

Ok so im keeping my options open for one of these two engines.




I think both will be the same in price.

I know that the DOHC ZC will bolt right in. There is one available now with tranny and ECU. But im concerned over the age. imean after all it is 91

I can get a relatively new B18B '94 and up and parts are readily available all over the Integra forums.

Things like hoses and wiring and misc stuff will be easier for me to get if I go B18B.

what am I looking at in terms of install?

I plan to rip out everything in the engine bay and start from scratch. and try to keep the clutter to a minimum.

What things should I look out for? this is my first engine swap and first time doing anything major like pulling the engine. Ive only done brakes, suspension and minor mods with my other cars

Will axels line up and fit? do I need to worry about the suspension if I go b18b?


  • jpciiijpciii familEE
    if you go b-series, you need to buy axles, mounts, shift linkage, trans, ecu,... the works. The ZC you only need an ecu.
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