Shift Linkage

When I purchased my spare motor and tranny I got the shift linkages and crx shifte with it to. Now comparing the wagon shifter to the crx shifter the wagon one is about 2 inched taller. Idea! Stock honda short shifter! Well I figured I would go ahead and swap out the shift linkages and just use the one from the crx cause I figured there wouldn't be any differance. Wrong! The crx shift linkage is about an inch longer and when shifting you cant get into 2,4 or reverse. So the shift linkage that holds the shifter ball in is wagon specific. Not sure about the other part but I prolly wouldn't doubt if that one is too.
I should have taken pictures but I was too pissed off at the shift linkage problem.
I should have taken pictures but I was too pissed off at the shift linkage problem.