RT4WD very bad noises runing on reverse

I have RT4WD manual gear box on shuttle, and when going reverse it sound very very bad. Feel is like metal are rubing to metal..
Does any one have this problem?
My guess are that reverse gear are in bad condition, but i want to know reason - why it happens and want to fix that. In our country not only my RT4WD gear box are sounding bad at reverse gear.
So, all ideas are welcome.
Does any one have this problem?
My guess are that reverse gear are in bad condition, but i want to know reason - why it happens and want to fix that. In our country not only my RT4WD gear box are sounding bad at reverse gear.
So, all ideas are welcome.
no no, U joints are in perfect condition! all those sounds are going from gear box!
Have you drained the trans oil and looked for metal?
I would first change the trans oil and go from there.
Oil changed 2 times.
you have two possible issues.
Issue A. Your transfer case took a shit on you.
Issue B, and the one i think it probably is. Your reverse idle gear has gone to shit on you.
Nobody makes replacement parts for either. Honda has discontinued the parts years ago. the only way to get what you need is used or in a junk yard. good luck.
I'm pretty sure, that will be second variant. I want to know the reason, why reverse gear are so damaged? what is wrong inside the gear box?
Yes, i had.
Maybe you have a guess - why reverse gear was damaged in your gear box?
I'd guess its because most people do not come to a complete stop before slamming it into reverse. And most dont come to a complete stop before throwing it from reverse to first. So the constant beating over time along with probably a lack of fluid changes means it takes twice the beating of any other gear in there....but thats just my honest guess.
I think you are onto something there. Reverse has no syncro so most will slap it into gear thinking the "crunch" is normal. You need to ease it into reverse.
ok, then why other cars, like Civic 2WD or CRX - don't have this problem?