New exhaust in preparation...

because of my "old" exhaust is in very bad position (yes, it IS original position) as seen on the photo below, I decided to build a new one.

This old muffler is... ehm... stressed? :lol:

I think I should take something like this

and install it instead of this S-alignment

what do you think about it?
on the way from headers to muffler will be alone "spring item" (here is often called cutworm or bellows) and maybe resonator...


  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Yeap take the muffler out the right hand side to eliminate the S bend. :)
  • ragenasianragenasian Moderator
    Look through my pics I did the same thing. Almost same exhaust except my wife's has LEDs in it to that i wired for a third brake light :roll: can't complain for 20 bucks.
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