b20 missing?? rough idle??? cant figure it out..

Hey I just swapped a b20z in my wagon and I'm having issues trying to figure out why its idling rough... or missing ok so I'll exspain what's its doing and what I've done .
So I start it and it starts like normal but sounds like is missing.. idle is in normal range. So I have done all the things I could think of to figure out what's going on.. I know a motor needs spark and fuel.. I started off by pulling each spark plug wire and found out that the #4 cylinder when pulled doesn't change the idle... so I figured bad plug or wire.. so I replaced both plug and wire.. still have the problem.. I replaced the dizzy.. still having the problem.. so I pulled the plug out and put it to ground and cranked it over, getting great spark to it so I have spark .. but still have the problem.. so I check to make sure I getting fuel and I'm diffently getting fuel.. (seems like a lot off fuel) sparks plugs was wet when pulled.. so I'm guessing I have a bad injector.. gonna check tomorrow but was wondering if anyone had incountered a problem like this or has any advice or points that I might know or might not be thinking of.. I would greatly apprecaite and and all responses.. thanks
So I start it and it starts like normal but sounds like is missing.. idle is in normal range. So I have done all the things I could think of to figure out what's going on.. I know a motor needs spark and fuel.. I started off by pulling each spark plug wire and found out that the #4 cylinder when pulled doesn't change the idle... so I figured bad plug or wire.. so I replaced both plug and wire.. still have the problem.. I replaced the dizzy.. still having the problem.. so I pulled the plug out and put it to ground and cranked it over, getting great spark to it so I have spark .. but still have the problem.. so I check to make sure I getting fuel and I'm diffently getting fuel.. (seems like a lot off fuel) sparks plugs was wet when pulled.. so I'm guessing I have a bad injector.. gonna check tomorrow but was wondering if anyone had incountered a problem like this or has any advice or points that I might know or might not be thinking of.. I would greatly apprecaite and and all responses.. thanks