+++SiWagon DIY:Windshield WASHER Upgrade(up to 5OO% Better!)

This DIY WILL :shock: improve your Washer spray pattern up to 5OO% better.The other nice thing about this project was the colour matched washer gold instead of black.

COST:FREE to maybe $10.

TIME:3-5 hours.(Could be 5 minutes if the Honda washers are plug'n'play.)

I remember seeing the washer spray pattern of a '79 Ford Mustang."WOW that was a great spray pattern."See lower pics for comparison.

Go down to the junkyard and look at FORD Taurus's.If you want to stay with Blk try the Escort's or Focus's.Look at hood to windshield angles so you don't end up spraying your rooftop.You may be lucky & find one that closely matches your Wgn color.The other reason I picked Ford's is they're easier to find.If you want to stay with HONDA parts.Look that around 2000 & up HONDA's.You might luck out the HONDA 1's might be plug n'play.There are painted one's too.There are fewer HONDA's in the junkyard.Try looking at other makes.What your looking for are washers w/slits NOT round holes.You'll also need 2-3 feet(1/2-1 meter) of washer hose(I used the OEM hose from the junkyard).
BELOW:Some Ford examples:
ABOVE: Jumping ahead a bit.What it'll look like when done.

On the bottom of the washer is a gasket carefully remove it.This will be your starting template.Remove your old washers.Disconnect the hoses from the washers.Cut the hoses off as close to the washer as possible.It's too hard to pull.I broke a stem off 1 of the washers.Just squeeze the washer tabs & push out.Place the gasket over the hole & trace the hole on to the hood.I used a pen.

BELOW:I used "A"I recommend you use "B"Pick a distance between A & B.I thought A sprayed a hair bit too high."B"sprays lower.My bad photoshopping.The gray line shows how the gasket is shaped.The green line shows where you'll be filing.Basically file out all the gray area inside the gasket.I recommend masking tape over the hole so you don't scratch the paint w/the file like I did. :(
When done it should look like A the pic below:
You don't need to file 1/32"(.5mm) wider than the gasket hole.The length of the hole should be around 3/4"(19mm). :arrow: REMEMBER don't file outside the gasket area.You'll need to do a few test fits.To remove the new washer you'll need a plier to squeeze the side tabs to push it back out.

If you used "A " like I did.You'll need a hammer to pound in the the hood support frame below the hose by the washer(See above pic) to clear the hose.Put the large end of a 1/2" drive 8" extension(hammer handle or block of wood works) against the frame & hit it.This gives you better control so you don't accidentally hit the hood .Or you could cut.Clean up the filings & clean w/alcohol .I used touh-up paint.I let it dry overnite b4 inserting the washers.

Remove the hose between the "Y" & the pass. washer.This hose is to be used for the Driver side washer.Cut to fit.Now take that longer hose you got earlier & cut to fit the pass. side washer.See pic above.If you are using the OEM hose.You'll find that it won't fit over the new washer barb.You'll need to prestretch the hose by lighter heat or by sticking 2 small screwdrivers in the hose & pulling it apart(looks like a "Y") before fitting.

BELOW:Before & After.

BELOW:1st test shot.Too :( narrow.

BELOW:BEFORE.Squirt gun style. :(

BELOW: I twisted the washers outward.W :twisted: W much better.Hits the corners.

Now to find a washer that'll fit the rear.


  • Oh mylanta thats rules. Good write up.
  • AWD WagonAWD Wagon Wagonist
    Perfection and pride in your work. Great upgrade. Now to find the time to copy your work.
  • judebertjudebert familEE
    Terrific writeup! Nice results, too. Hmm... I can swing $10. Now to see if I can find the time.
  • akiraboyakiraboy HondaCivicWagon.com Founder
    damn nice man, I got some last time from a 92-95 civic ex but they didn't match up too well, actually I wanted to add GM washers from a Lumina onto the wiper arms & eliminate the holes alltogether, I guess thats a 'me' thing but excellent write-up, I thought I was thonly one thinkin I needed to replace my washers. :idea:
  • ThatDoodleThatDoodle Council Member
    i need to do this. My passenger washer shoots too high. good job!
  • i need to do this. My passenger washer shoots too high. good job!

    Don't forget that you can adjust the angle of the jet with a pin.

    Insert the pin in the jet you want to correct and move in the appropriate direction. Test until you obtain the desired effect. Remember, move in small increments.

    Cheers !!
  • ThatDoodleThatDoodle Council Member
    Thanks for the tip. :D
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