Headers & Air Conditioning Problems!!!!

To start I have a 91 Civic Wagon DX, 5 speed, not awd. A couple weeks ago my exhaust rusted out right behind the cat. Since the exhaust was out I decided to replace the headers and cat at the same time since they're both old rusty original parts. I have removed the cat but the headers are giving me a ton of trouble :x
I am unable to separate the headers at the 4-2 section. There are 3 14mm nuts there that have been super seized by rust. I've already coated them in wd-40 for two days but that hasn't done a thing.
So my qustion is there any way of getting this the exhaust manifold out of the engine bay as a single piece?? or do you guys have any advice on how i can separate it?!
While I've been messing with the problems ^^^, I've decided that my A/C needs to come out, compressor, condenser, wiring, lines, everything!
My only problem in this department so far is that I have no clue what to do with the FREON! I know that the two 12mm bolts on the top face of the compressor can be loosened to let ouf the gas, but I'm assuming that is not the way to collect the freon gas. If you have any advice please let me know!!
Last thing, I'm relocating the battery to my trunk, any name brand stores, or stores you can find in upstate new york, that would sell the correct gauge wire i'd need for this???
Thanks for help in advance and I'll be sure to post up pics as soon as I get the usb cable for my digital camera!
here are the bolts i'm talking about, the picture was pulled from a manual i dl'ed.

sorry if the picture comes out small, i'm using we-todd-did-racing.com and it won't let me resize.
I am unable to separate the headers at the 4-2 section. There are 3 14mm nuts there that have been super seized by rust. I've already coated them in wd-40 for two days but that hasn't done a thing.
So my qustion is there any way of getting this the exhaust manifold out of the engine bay as a single piece?? or do you guys have any advice on how i can separate it?!
While I've been messing with the problems ^^^, I've decided that my A/C needs to come out, compressor, condenser, wiring, lines, everything!
My only problem in this department so far is that I have no clue what to do with the FREON! I know that the two 12mm bolts on the top face of the compressor can be loosened to let ouf the gas, but I'm assuming that is not the way to collect the freon gas. If you have any advice please let me know!!
Last thing, I'm relocating the battery to my trunk, any name brand stores, or stores you can find in upstate new york, that would sell the correct gauge wire i'd need for this???
Thanks for help in advance and I'll be sure to post up pics as soon as I get the usb cable for my digital camera!
here are the bolts i'm talking about, the picture was pulled from a manual i dl'ed.

sorry if the picture comes out small, i'm using we-todd-did-racing.com and it won't let me resize.
I'd leave the AC.It doesn't weight that much.It's NOT like a GM AC that can weight as much as 200 pounds(91kg)Thanks for being green.A AC shop can extract the AC.This stuff is gold.
Battery cable= Use welding cable.Get some electrical conduit otherwise you may get radio interference.Some stereo shop may have ideas for noise reduction.Do some research.