my 02 corolla

hey everyone, just thought I'd share my DD as of now untill my wagon gets here. This has been my very first car right before graduating high school in 05. Before falling in love with the wagons, i had big plans for this rolla and as of now its all stock besides the black housing head and corner lights. Some of the other upgrades i had in mind was throwing in a 2zz ge and putting on a lip kit. Anyways here are a few pictures of her, my granny car. hope you guys enjoy!

fine ok, how about my other toy
bought the car how it is
the only thing different now is the interior isnt paint red anymore lol
check it out HCW
my 89 crx si
has a DOHC zc with a jackson supercharger not this quickest but still fun!
Says the guy with a P5...
P5 = wifeys car foo!