What are the chances of finding a running LHD Beagle?
Perfect parts car, no?
of all the years that i have traveled and visited Europe, i have yet to see one Beagle. of course, when i was younger i wasnt really looking for them lol
i see Shuttles every rare now then (mostly in Switzerland, of all places!)
of all the years that i have traveled and visited Europe, i have yet to see one Beagle. of course, when i was younger i wasnt really looking for them lol
i see Shuttles every rare now then (mostly in Switzerland, of all places!)
There are tons of them in Bulgaria and especially Romania.
Lots of the 80's & 90's cars were exported from the DACH regions.
You see them with german language dealer stickers and things.
Also a lot of JDM stuff (I saw beagles) RHD around Odessa due to the port and I was told some sort of allowance for person imports for seamen.
Spotting a Skyline was a bit of a surprise!
Ha, i suppose it is. Nothing really new, i hope to have a mini photoshoot today so then i'll update you guys :P just waiting on something small to arrive from NZ then i'll update
took this picture yesterday at my friend's house. that a '71 GMC in the foreground.
managed to trade my grey console for a blue one (finally!) a while back. also put back the OEM stereo for the sake of being OEM.
Future plans:
-RAGTOP. i have wanted one for well over 5 years, since then i have seen at least 2 other members install them and it's getting me anxious haha. been trying to save for a quality Britax one, but currently being unemployed (in my field) makes it hard to do so.
-body work. i need to tackle the bit of rust i have had since i bought it. fortunately the mild southern weather has not made it worse. but i still need to address it.
-finish door cards in a material to match the Beagle seats. just need to get off my butt and do it!
-secret engine swap :P but thats very much in the future...
here are a few (by few i mean a lot) pics from last weekend at Import Alliance. drove about 700 miles in the wagon, ran like a champ at 4000 rpm the whole way lol.
tons of fun!
pics in more or less chronological order.. starting at 6:30 am :nightmare:
wow thats a big group of wagons thats nice . love the wheels, my neighbor has an AE86 and has had those wheels on it for like 11 years if im not mistaken
its been a minute since my last post on here, but nothing has really changed! Actually, literally nothing has changed lol.. just driving around on occasion
As some of you may know, I've started a B16A swap.
I have only had a few hours to work on it since delivery, so not much has happened. But starting Thursday I will be on vacation and will be able to dedicate some full days to it
So far all I've really done is start tearing into the engine and prepping it for install, replaced t-belt and clutch. Currently working on my wiring harness like, decided to clean it up some and integrate the VTEC and knock sensor wires into it for an OEM look.
Freshly unwrapped after delivery...
Looks pretty clean?
And the parts pile after disassembling some stuff lol
Haven't updated in a while! Got the engine in and running nicely, had some challenges along the way but overall it was a pretty smooth process.
One challenge was keeping PS, ended up using an EF pulley with the B16 pump and had to get a DA high pressure hose as well as extended low pressure hose.
Clearances are TIGHT but no issues so far.
Also had to swap o2 sensor wiring, something nobody ever really mentions...
I made a hybrid harness combining my previously MPFI converted DX harness into the B16 one, which was fun. Not.
Took a million pictures of the process, here are a couple
Been over 2 years since I've posted here, and over 10 years that Ive owned this wagon!!! coming up on 11 :nightmare:
Biggest, and possibly only update, is that I got an EDM/JDM roof rack. I filled in the holes of the USDM rack with some billet alum. bolts and rubber gaskets turned out pretty decent. Found a set of old school Yakima rail grabbers on CL for $35, a voila! Here we are...
Used the extra billet bolts to dress up the engine bay. I dig it.
Lastly, I managed to get a "family photo" of our entire fleet, hard to do since the Shuttle lives in my sister's garage in the next town over.
We sold the silver Mazda6 and replaced it with the black 328i (my wife's daily). My current daily is the silver 528i Touring 5-speed, second daily is the 540i 6-speed So yeah we're currently down to 4 cars...
Sorta, they are from a Beagle
Perfect parts car, no?
of all the years that i have traveled and visited Europe, i have yet to see one Beagle. of course, when i was younger i wasnt really looking for them lol
i see Shuttles every rare now then (mostly in Switzerland, of all places!)
16x8.5 et 15 rear and 25 front
I remember finding your car on Champaign, Illinois craigslist way back when and alerting doitdub who bought it and later sold it to you. I'm glad you still have it. It looks a lot different now... http://www.civicwagon.com/showthread.php?1232-Super-excited-%28I-FOUND-ONE!%29
There are tons of them in Bulgaria and especially Romania.
Lots of the 80's & 90's cars were exported from the DACH regions.
You see them with german language dealer stickers and things.
Also a lot of JDM stuff (I saw beagles) RHD around Odessa due to the port and I was told some sort of allowance for person imports for seamen.
Spotting a Skyline was a bit of a surprise!
There have been a couple of beagles up on ebay.de
Ha, i suppose it is. Nothing really new, i hope to have a mini photoshoot today so then i'll update you guys :P just waiting on something small to arrive from NZ then i'll update
Still got it! Forever and ever
managed to trade my grey console for a blue one (finally!) a while back. also put back the OEM stereo for the sake of being OEM.
Future plans:
-RAGTOP. i have wanted one for well over 5 years, since then i have seen at least 2 other members install them and it's getting me anxious haha. been trying to save for a quality Britax one, but currently being unemployed (in my field) makes it hard to do so.
-body work. i need to tackle the bit of rust i have had since i bought it. fortunately the mild southern weather has not made it worse. but i still need to address it.
-finish door cards in a material to match the Beagle seats. just need to get off my butt and do it!
-secret engine swap :P but thats very much in the future...
tons of fun!
pics in more or less chronological order.. starting at 6:30 am :nightmare:
credit due for a couple of these photos goes to Charb
Nothing really new.
here is a recent pic
Also look what shows up on Google Street View!
I have only had a few hours to work on it since delivery, so not much has happened. But starting Thursday I will be on vacation and will be able to dedicate some full days to it
So far all I've really done is start tearing into the engine and prepping it for install, replaced t-belt and clutch. Currently working on my wiring harness like, decided to clean it up some and integrate the VTEC and knock sensor wires into it for an OEM look.
Freshly unwrapped after delivery...
Looks pretty clean?
And the parts pile after disassembling some stuff lol
One challenge was keeping PS, ended up using an EF pulley with the B16 pump and had to get a DA high pressure hose as well as extended low pressure hose.
Clearances are TIGHT but no issues so far.
Also had to swap o2 sensor wiring, something nobody ever really mentions...
I made a hybrid harness combining my previously MPFI converted DX harness into the B16 one, which was fun. Not.
Took a million pictures of the process, here are a couple
And the finished product!
Thanks for looking!
Biggest, and possibly only update, is that I got an EDM/JDM roof rack. I filled in the holes of the USDM rack with some billet alum. bolts and rubber gaskets turned out pretty decent. Found a set of old school Yakima rail grabbers on CL for $35, a voila! Here we are...
Used the extra billet bolts to dress up the engine bay. I dig it.
Lastly, I managed to get a "family photo" of our entire fleet, hard to do since the Shuttle lives in my sister's garage in the next town over.
We sold the silver Mazda6 and replaced it with the black 328i (my wife's daily). My current daily is the silver 528i Touring 5-speed, second daily is the 540i 6-speed