Couple of my other honda's

Here is my 91si Tahitian green si, I bought this from my buddy and chasing him for years on it, He had not had it running in 5 or 6 years. typical honda thou, put a battery in and vroom.
Little dirty.

Little dirty.

He loved the gizmo's, had a external temp gauge, neon lights, crappy fog lights, amp's and amp's and one sub, and clifford alarm, and ect ect ect.
About 10 pounds of wiring out, apc windshield washers gone, fogs off, autoventshade roof shade off, OE honda on.
Vent visors off, and bought all new molding from Honda. and cleaned and cleaned some more.
I have picked up some kw v2 and full energy bushings, and found a really nice zc dohc core and am rebuilding it.
Playing with some stance rims
Team dynamics
ended up with enkie 92 repop's
picts to follow.
crappy pict but will get done one day.
And the guy drivin em
I think thats the best photo i have ever had.
I almost feel off my chair at work when I saw you're mug shot show up.