My first ever wagovan build..

hello guys,
So i just picked up my first wagovan last week. Its in kinda rough shape but i gotta a good deal. I plan on doing quite a bit to it but to start it off i wana fix a few body parts that are messed up. It has a single stage paint on it that the guy i purchased it from had put on it.. The over spray is profound im going to have to re-trim black all trim. Also they removed the side trim and bondo-ed the holes:( wtf were they thinking???? It also needs a passenger fender its kinda wavy but the biggest issue is the back hatch has a broken hinge. Also i need to find a gas door:(

any body have any extra parts?? lol

The first thing i wana do to it is lower it but i was wondering if anyone could help me with a selection? I found some k sports that drops it 2.5 inchs or a set of sprint racing springs that drop it 3.25 but idk if this would be much of a drop because i plan on getting some xxr 002s 15x8 or 16x8s... anyone ever used these on a 15 or 16? i plan on rolling the fenders etc so thats not an issue.




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    I also got a wink, ill have pics up of it installed later
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    I added some megan racing progressive springs:0 dropped it 2.5 inchs:)
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    YUM!!! these will go in very soon!!
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    I found these wheels for cheap, i may get them..idk any opinions?... they are 15x8 +25offset..
  • H22AEKCIVH22AEKCIV Band Wagon
    Its been well over a month since ive updated but since then i have sourced out a gas door and trim blacked all trim... I wil have pics up tonight..
  • knottyyknottyy Wagonist
    those rims are nasty. i hope you got them. i'd love to see them on your ride.
  • PavementwagoPavementwago Senior Wagonist
    Love those wheels
  • H22AEKCIVH22AEKCIV Band Wagon
    Trading good ol' stan thursday for a rt awd ...
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