How to: Interior Paint plastic

Hey all, I thought I would share my method of painting plastic parts in the interior of a car black. First, I clean the surface thoroughly with denatured alcohol. After that dries out, I lay 2 coats of Bulldog adhesion promoter. I allow this time to dry but not cure. Then I use 3 light coats of Duplicolor trim paint (green can). I did all the silver parts in my Range Rover with this so I trust the adhesion fully. This is how I will convert all my plastic to black in the wagon as someone used the black vinyl paint before and it is peeling badly.

Also, carpet is easy to change color with slightly diluted Dye brand dye sprayed out of a spray bottle but this will begin to wear in usually a year.
Big ass picture.


  • philkmilphilkmil New Wagonist
    How long has it been since you painted the vinyl in your Rover? Is if flaking at all yet?
  • ChiddieChiddie New Wagonist
    It has been about 6 months. I did another car like this and it lasted for several years though. I didn't paint vinyl, only plastic parts with this method (i.e. the console). I forgot I painted the Range parts until I dropped a pedal assembly on it the other day and was surprised it didn't scratch to reveal the silver underneath. I really like Bulldog adhesion promotor but it is a bit pricey ($20 a can). A can lasts a long way though.
  • You also should rough it up with some 400 grit sand paper before using an adhesive promoter, because there is a film put on the vinyl to protect it and sometimes alcohol won't get rid of that.
  • FakeJDMEF8FakeJDMEF8 Senior Wagonist
    I used bulldog and satin black by SEM on my crx five years ago, and still looks mint. No scratches or peeling or anything!

  • CharbCharb Administrator





  • BillBoardBillBoard council member
    Charb1618 wrote:







  • simplyhondasimplyhonda Council Member
    Ohh. I have pics! I did my digital gauge cluster in the CRX a few years back. It came to me from New Zeland in Blue. I went SEM Black. Held up great!
    Love the digital!

    Painted my blinds with SEM too...
  • ChiddieChiddie New Wagonist
    Added a picture and didn't even have to curse to do it.
  • CharbCharb Administrator
    Chiddie wrote:
    Added a small ass picture that no one can see and didn't even have to curse to do it.

    There. Fixed.
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