core support **interchangability**

hey guys i had a quick question to ask...the p.o. hacked up my stock core support (dont know why) but i want to replace it with a new one. my question is if all ef core supports are the same??...i wouldnt wanna take off the old one without first knowing if any ef's would fit seeing that its so damn hard to find parts for a wagon...thanks
Btw I searched and I couldnt find a clear answer on it...
Btw I searched and I couldnt find a clear answer on it...
mines all effed up where the stock tabs are for the radiator so i wanted to buy a new one...but they dont specify if it also fits a wagon
Headlights and bumpers will interchange with light modding, so it seems like it would work.
edit: parts lookup showed me different part numbers.
part numbers on what bam??..core supports??
Id go measure my teal hatchy for ya and compare to the wagon, but its out on loan, however, I did compare to my ef9 frontend hatch (for what its worth) and the span between the bottom bolts on the wagon setup and both measured 23 3/4". cant measure the bar that goes downward though. If theres a difference, my guess is it would be height on that piece.
for instance the cross member on a wagon is different than a hatch or crx.
bumpers are different. rebars are different, etc...
not sure about the one that houses the radius rods..
that T-bar (between headlight housings) is wagon specific as it says SH5 on mine.. so are the pieces that house the headlights that are spot welded. again, with some fabrication it could work. not sure how much would be needed however. the wagons are slightly narrower then a hatch or sedan.. though, it may not take much to "force" fit. :P
we made a custom one for his wagon.
i think maybe for now ill keep my stock core support until i really figure it out...but one thing still up in the air is the front crossmember which houses the radius traction bar bent so i wanna but the stock setup back on. just need a little more clarity on if a sedan crossmember will fit...or hatch too for that matter...have any of you done this??
rare cars are cool arent they?
good luck.
as for the cross member, a stock one might just bolt up. but a traction bar made for a hatch or crx wont bolt up. the location for the tow hooks is different. but using a stock cross member might work, since it doesnt use the 3 14mm bolts for the tow hooks.... the more i think about it the more i think a stock cross member might just work fine.
i wish i had pics of the mock up of the other traction bar on darins wagon, damn it pics are worth a thousand words.
heres another pic of what im dealing with, sorry for the poor quality and thanks again for all the goal is to get a new core support so imma do some measuring this weekend on the wagon and go to the junkyard and measure some hatches and sedans to see if theyre the same (core support).
as you can see the traction bar is at a wicked angle
it looks like your cross member is bent to shit from that pic you have those are interchangable i took a ef sedan cross member with rad arms regardless id suggest getting one off a ef sedan take measurements of your bent to shit one and guesstimate how much space is missing from the bends and then add that to your measurement and compare it to the hatch/sedan models. goodluck
Wagon support (Top) vs Sedan (Bottom) side view.
Wagon support (Top) Vs Sedan support (Bottom) top view. Blue tape is the an outline of the wagons upper headlight tie bar. Sedans is longer but no worries. The hood latches as it should.
In the first two pictures above you will see a bracket that holds the headlight in place in the headlight bucket area. Notice that the sedans bracket extends a little farther then the wagons. That bracket will have to be removed and replaced with the wagons in order for the headlight to sit correctly. You can also modify the original if you want. It has 2-3 welds holding it down.
Wagon bracket (Top) vs sedan bracket (Bottom) Top view.
How I welded the bracket on to the sedan support.
You also need to modify where the 10mm bolts go through the upper headlight tie bar into the headlight bracket housing. I drilled 2 holes on the upper tie bar and used a reamer tool to make the holes wider so i could position the headlight.
Test fit of sedan core support.