9005s are in!

Not sure if i've posted in the right section, here...I'm sure Frank will advise
But i just did the 9005 headlight bulb conversion as demonstrated on the 4thGen website. They look great and work even better! So if any of you are debating whether it's worth the hassle.....I'm voting YES!
It really was pretty quick and easy with a borrowed Dremel. I'm sure any drill or rotory tool will work with the right small bit. We ended up doing it a couple of times because of some old ( And now i know Junk ) bulbs i had laying around. No big deal. Off to Walmart and we ended up just using the one conical shaped bit to do the inside and outside modifications on the bulbs.
They're not kidding when they say it's a noticeable difference. Plus, compared to all the new vehicles rolling around with the Silverstars and XENON lights blinding oncoming cars, nobody will even notice our measly 1700 lumens being used for low beams. Just thought i'd share a cheap and easy improvement. Bonus not having to ruin or change anything from the stock wiring!
Not sure if i've posted in the right section, here...I'm sure Frank will advise

But i just did the 9005 headlight bulb conversion as demonstrated on the 4thGen website. They look great and work even better! So if any of you are debating whether it's worth the hassle.....I'm voting YES!
It really was pretty quick and easy with a borrowed Dremel. I'm sure any drill or rotory tool will work with the right small bit. We ended up doing it a couple of times because of some old ( And now i know Junk ) bulbs i had laying around. No big deal. Off to Walmart and we ended up just using the one conical shaped bit to do the inside and outside modifications on the bulbs.
They're not kidding when they say it's a noticeable difference. Plus, compared to all the new vehicles rolling around with the Silverstars and XENON lights blinding oncoming cars, nobody will even notice our measly 1700 lumens being used for low beams. Just thought i'd share a cheap and easy improvement. Bonus not having to ruin or change anything from the stock wiring!
http://www.hondacivicwagon.com/board/vi ... light=9005
I did this conversion.The prob is the 9005's burn out TOO fast.Davens had a better idea using Toshiba HIR lites.
Man, if I had known the SIlverstars are only rated for 30% the life of Sylvanias regular halogens, I would have never bought four. But I have to give Sylvania credit, using four 9005 Silverstars looks good and performs well.
From what I've been reading about the HIRs. GE developed them as a cheaper real world alternative to HIDs. The goal was to achieve 75% of the HID output at 25% of the cost. And at $25 bulb, they're comparable to Silverstars, but last three times longer.
I "know a guy" who just installed a less-than-legal 5000k HID system.
1. Holy cow, it's impressive visibility.
2. Properly aimed, there are no flashes from oncoming traffic. A lot less "scatter" than critics claim there will be.
Granted, its not a wagon reflector housing and its a 9004 "Bi-Xenon" high/low beam single bulb. It has a metal shield that blocks 50% of the bulb in the low position, but if the high beams are turned on, the shield retracts exposing the whole bulb. Thus releasing two tiny white hot burning balls of illumination to effectively cast back the encroaching darkness of night in the never ending struggle of light versus...sorry, I got carried away. Did I say I was impressed?
I think it was Daniel Stern's lighting page that compared good automotive lighting to crack.
:arrow: There's actually a 2nd reason.
Bulb life:
BULB.........Bulblife hrs.
So a 9005 conversion will burn out 4x's as many bulbs as the 9006s. A good compromise would be a 9006HIR(brighter than the 9005s & bulblife close to the 9006).For MAX light use the 9005HIR Conversion.It'll cost you 3x's as many bulbs.At about $30 each that's not cheap for 33% more lite than the 9006HIRs.