94+ teg seats in wagon?

Does anybody have 94+ integra seats in their wagon? I've read most the seats posts, but didn't see if anybody had that setup. I have front and back gsr leather that I am puting in mine. any pics or suggestions is appreciated. I have the passenger seat almost in.


  • davensdavens familEE
    I've got '01 Civic seats in mine.
    It took some serious time/labor. Without the use of welding equipment, I don't think it would have been possible. Not to my safety standards, anyway.

    For the record, I put the wagon seat rails on the Civic seat pan.
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    did the same thing for the delsol seats. thats pretty much what you gotta do to put another seat in the wagon
  • LSwagonLSwagon Band Wagon
    So far on the passenger side I have unbolted the mount and slider off the civic that is closest to the door, and mated it to the integra seat and it sits perfect. I have the front two bolts lined up perfect, right rear hole just needs about a one inch spacer and the left rear will need maybe a bracket made. I don't want to use much from my wagon seats as the car had a leaky sunroof for some time before I got it and the seats are rusting and moldy. I will get some pics up if I ever have time to finish. I am mostly worried about getting the rear seats in safe as I will have my twin boys in the car often. Any help on the rear is appreciated
  • adamEFwagonadamEFwagon Senior Wagonist
    i got some 92 teg seats that i will try to put into my wagon some time very soon. basically all you guys are saying is that you need to put the wagon seat rails on the other seat then its good? ill show some pics when i get around to it....
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    thats the idea. its not that hard actually, just gotta make sure not to mess up or you've got to find another set of rails to use.
  • sic944tsic944t Wagonist
    i have 90-93 teg seats you can do it with out a welder you need to be very crafty in terms of brackets and such but mine are safe and they seem square in the car
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    yeah i didnt weld anything either. i just forced off the rails and drilled some small holes then put a nut and bolt thru them to hold. like you said, its all safe too.
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