This project was planed for 2 years. 2 years passed away.
Next daily car is on the way. It will be also rare and interesting in Europe as Shuttle was. It's Honda Element 2003.
This project was planed for 2 years. 2 years passed away.
Next daily car is on the way. It will be also rare and interesting in Europe as Shuttle was. It's Honda Element 2003.
Ouuhhh, whyyyy? That's the most ugly car from honda
If I'll go to PL meet, I'll go with other car:) Because there's a plan to participate in time attack:)
Can't wait the fest! Will be much fun! I am planning to make some little movie about our (Latvia Honda club) trip..
Next daily car is on the way. It will be also rare and interesting in Europe as Shuttle was. It's Honda Element 2003.
cha cha Like Shuttle too, for most of people:) Everything depends from owner "taste"