crx dash woes.

I was attempting to install a crx dash into the wagon. Removed dash with no problem. Ran into problems when tried to swap the top piece of wagon dash onto rex dash. On the wag dash I took out all screws that held on the piece, even drilled holes to take out the 4 hidden screws. It is glued on something fierce. will not separate. Ended up ruining wagon dash in the process. Not stoked. How is it able to be cut off and attached? The filler top peice with the defrost grid is still salvageable. The grey area below it is not. How do I remove it and install it on the rex dash without destroying it? Any info would be great appreciated.
Why did you try to hybridize the two dashes vs just dropping in the crx dash?
Also, the gsr armrest sits pretty low in the wagon... you have to do a major gangsta lean if you want to rest your arm on there...
The rex dash upper holes line up (left, right, and center). The single bottom does not. The rex dash metal bracket sits further out. I was going to remedy this by welding a bracket of sort. The top though concerned me. I did finally get the top piece off, but it broke in the process. It is still salvageable with some work. If I have some free time this week I will try to fiberglass the broken piece together, fill it, smooth it, and paint it with a low shine black. Then I was going to place over the gap and part of the rex dash. Both of the defrost grid vents are the same place. The wagon's just has a longer portion in front to meet the window. I test fitted the idea and it looks like it is highly feasible. If I do it I will post pics of the process and when it is completed.
The dashes need to be kept to corresponding years. 88-89 rex to 88-89 wag, and 90-91 rex to 90-91 wag. It is the same with ef's.
i believe akiraboy did it- if you have questions u should definetly hit
him up....
i believe the difference is in pillar width- the wagon pilar is wider making the top of the dash longer- but i dont know for sure...
I was posting for assistance to remedy the problem of the ill fitment. Such as how did he cleanly remove the glued and screwed upper section and installed it to the rex dash.
I should pm him. Thank you for your input.