Need Help, Unknow Vibration

Just two nights ago, driving home from work, my wagon started up with a strong rumbling/clocking noise and vibration (felt like it was possible axle issue), as I accelerated more, its rumbling/vibration increased. I continued cruising carefully as Im trying guess what area its coming from. Started to believe it was the driveline because it shakes within the area. I would let off the gas pedal to cruise at 60mph and gradually work its way up to 65-70mph and it went away. Problem continued on and off on the way to work. On the way back home, it continued on and off, this time cruising at 20mph, clocking, rumbling, vibration continued all the way to the driveway. At one point, I thought it was the engine knocking, I put it on Neutral and revved up and its was fine.
I had just jacked up the front end and did an inspection shakedown. Tie rods good, no loose wheel movement, front suspension is firm, CV axle boots are perfect. Wagon had 104K mileage.
Could I have broken CV axle knuckles?
Loose driveline?
Anyone had this experience? What to look for?
I had just jacked up the front end and did an inspection shakedown. Tie rods good, no loose wheel movement, front suspension is firm, CV axle boots are perfect. Wagon had 104K mileage.
Could I have broken CV axle knuckles?
Loose driveline?
Anyone had this experience? What to look for?
I had it all up in the air while accelerating, the axle shaft started tumbling ....seriously..... :idea: