considering a new paint job...

well, not really considering, but planning.

either John Deere Blitz Black or an urban camo scheme.

but then i found this.

i have no idea what it would cost or what kind of durability it would have, but think it would be sick! probably just end up with the urban camo, though...


  • allmotrwagnallmotrwagn New Wagonist
    that would be so bad ass but they dont do many meets at night lol but it would be sweet lol
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    lol that would be awesome but would it get taken straight off the road due to being a distraction?
  • you can call it the ghost wagon
  • davensdavens familEE
    How about radar absorbent paint?
  • WagofanWagofan Band Wagon
    My last wagon was so beaten from its previous life and the number of snowboards that got thrown on or against it, I was looking into painting the whole thing with spray on bedliner. It comes in some pretty good colors along with black.

    I was thinking of painting my 85 beater wagon (4wd) in snow camo, but this could make amazing trim paint.
  • davens wrote:
    How about radar absorbent paint?

    I've done a little research on that, but never got around to buying the materials. the metallic oxide particles I think would be the hardest thing to find & probably the most expensive.
  • KahunaKahuna familEE
    I've always wanted to do that but would it work since it's not oil-based?
  • Man, if you went with this your car would look like it just drove through a toxic waste spill... :twisted:

    Just imagine the mayhem on the streets as you drove around at night !!
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