Problems after a valve job

We have a 1989 Civic Wagon. Our regular mechanic did a valve job on it after it overheated and blew the head gasket. The car has the original engine and 160 K on it.
It's my wife's baby, we had a 1991, before that lasted 15 years, but we sold it to move. She has had the brakes done completely, the muffler, the tires, the fan motor and the auto trans rebuilt. Our mechanic messed up, he thought about replacing the radiator but didn't because his testing showed it was cooling fine.... Until he gave it to my wife, stop and go driving in Florida. To make a long story short the mechanic replaced the head gasket again AND the radiator. There was no more that could be shaved from the head. It runs great, doesn't overheat BUT my wife won't drive it. It smokes now when the engine is warm when the RPM's are over 2500 in first through third only during acceleration. I'm thinking with the valve guides being new and the compression ratio being higher due to the shaved head it may be pulling oil past the piston rings.
Any other possibilities? Rebuild again? What used engines fit a 2WD honda wagon without mods. Is there any additives that might work? It has to be burning oil, I have to add it pretty often. We had it 5 years, maybe time to let it go.
It's my wife's baby, we had a 1991, before that lasted 15 years, but we sold it to move. She has had the brakes done completely, the muffler, the tires, the fan motor and the auto trans rebuilt. Our mechanic messed up, he thought about replacing the radiator but didn't because his testing showed it was cooling fine.... Until he gave it to my wife, stop and go driving in Florida. To make a long story short the mechanic replaced the head gasket again AND the radiator. There was no more that could be shaved from the head. It runs great, doesn't overheat BUT my wife won't drive it. It smokes now when the engine is warm when the RPM's are over 2500 in first through third only during acceleration. I'm thinking with the valve guides being new and the compression ratio being higher due to the shaved head it may be pulling oil past the piston rings.
Any other possibilities? Rebuild again? What used engines fit a 2WD honda wagon without mods. Is there any additives that might work? It has to be burning oil, I have to add it pretty often. We had it 5 years, maybe time to let it go.

If the technician stated no more could be surfaced from the head your compression has increased and now blowing by the rings.
Sell it?? never!
I guess I will check the o2 sensor, fpr, tune up first. What is the frp?
I'm in the same boat: New Head Gasket, and Rebuilt, new head and now I'm blowing oil out my exhaust. Only bad when I'm engine breaking down steep mountain passes, but bad enough to know I need to figure it out. Since the head is new, w/new valve guides, and the compression test after the new had went in was good, I'm betting it's worn oil rings somewhere else in there, and now that there is good compression, more oil is being pushed/pulled in.
Fpr = fuel pressure regulator
exactly what fast freddy said if you build up too much compression on a tired bottem end you will have problems with ring or baerings what ever is weeker mop is to tear down and have fun doing it