D16 block with B7 head?

I currently have a D16A6. well the head is warped and I can not find one anywhere. My friend has a perfectly good used B7 head with around 60k miles on it. Will I need to do anything special to do this swap? Anything need to be rewired or will the distributor bolt right up and connect in? I just need my daily back. Gas is killing me.
remove the A6 head, install the B7 head
use the intake manifold from your D16A6 on the D15B7 head
put the D16A6 cam shaft into the D15B7 head (this is because D15 cams are indexed different than D16 cams. if you use the B7 cam you will either be half a tooth advanced or retarded depending how u install the belt. BUT!!! if ur D16A6 is from an 88, you can go ahead and use the B7 cam if you want as 88 A6's were indexed the same as D15s.)
bolt it all up and off you go!
the B7 and A6 heads share the exact same casting. so swap the cam and ur good to go.
the d15 and d16 cams are indexed differently to compensate for the 5mm deck height difference between the d15 and d16 blocks.