Any difference between 89 & 90 service manuals

I searched around a bit for this information but haven't found an answer. Does anyone know if there are substantial differences between the 89 and 90 factory service manuals. The cheapest I've been able to find an 89 manual right now is around $40 shipped but I've found the 90 manual for $24. I have an 89 RT4WD am I going to run into any trouble using the 90 manual instead? I know there are subtle differences through the years but I didn't know if they were enough to throughly confuse me or screw me up when i'm working on the car.


  • JDMWago666JDMWago666 Senior Wagonist
    Should be the same. I only say this because the Chiltons manuals explain 88-91. So those cover all four of the years. The best advise I can give is to just pay the little extra for the year specific so you don't run into any problems. Thats just my opinion though. Good luck, sorry I couldn't be of better assistance.
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    mostly wiring, emissions, seat belts will be different.
    engine and such should be the same.
  • woodiwoodi Wagonist
    Thanks for the input guys... I'm thinking just spending the little extra and getting the 89 manual will probably be worth it in the end. I know there will be some little thing I'll be trying to figure out that will be different in the 90 manual and I'll be tearing my hair out for weeks until I realize it's different on my car...
  • is the chiltons bad? i found one and thought about buying it
  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    Chilton & Haynes are the WORST.Factory (Helms) manual are the BEST!
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