RT4WD bearing trivia

I finally got around to putting this transmission back together this weekend, and discovered that the bearings I ordered were not the right ones. #20 was a larger diameter than the old one, and #19 was too tall. Went back to majestic and realized that sure enough, there are 2 different part numbers listed for these bearings.

I guess I thought at the time that it was a situation where it was the same piece, but having different manufactures/suppliers. The bearings I need are listed as fitting 87-89, whereas the bearings I ordered were listed for 89-91.

I'm on the right track now, but figured I'd share this bit of trivia with the rest of ya, as well as offer some bearings for sale.

Anyone have any insight into why they switched design mid year in 89?



  • Don't feel bad...that pesky throwout bearing has bitten more than a couple of us.

    In my case, an '87 RT4wd with a ZC. I got an über-good deal on a clutch kit for a 87 CRX si, assuming(erroneously) that it was 100% interchangeable. Everything but the TO bearing worked. That's when I discovered that the 4wd wagon TO bearing was different, so I got one of those. Still didn't fit. Someone suggested a 86-87 or 88-89 teg TO bearing. Close, but not quite.
    So I had 4 different TO bearings and none of them worked 100%.
    I ended up using a slightly dremel modified 4wd TO bearing. Its got a few thousand miles on it, let's hope it holds up.
  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    My belief was the '88 4WD brg wasn't strong enough so was changed mid '89.
    The brg in my '88 4WD had exploded. :x
  • Anyone know how to identify which transfer bearings an 89 tranny has without opening it up. IE: VIN # or tranny serial number?
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