New axle, now leaking :(
Okay, CV joint blew up on me. I thought I had a little more life left in it and no such luck. Got it home, swapped it out for a new complete axle. Had a bitch of a time getting it into the tranny, but got it done(didn't think I would have to press that hard). After driving it though, it's leaking oil and most likely from the tranny not the CV joint or anything. Any suggestions? How much of a gap should there be between the axle and the tranny? I'll snap a picture as soon as I get home from work tonight...
I found this picture, which shows it perfectly.
In a thread on another honda forum, they mentioned seals being an easy replacement and the most likely issue, is this true for civics as well?
I found this picture, which shows it perfectly.
In a thread on another honda forum, they mentioned seals being an easy replacement and the most likely issue, is this true for civics as well?
They are easy to replace. take the old one out, clean it up and put in your pocket. Take it with you to the parts store. for some reason there are so many different seals for these cars it pisses me off. it could just be our local dipshit auto parts store nimrods, but it alwyas takes 3-4 tries before I get the right ones. Match up the new with the old before you leave the store. Save yourself some trips, lol.
Thanks guys
Only reason I would ever not use it was if I had a aftermarket plate LSD. Then Motul Type FF Gear Oil is the way to go
FSM actually says to use SAE 30wt conventional oil. Use what you want though, it's always been widely debated.