What lip is this?? ---PIC---

correct me if im wrong, but is this the 94-97 accord oem lip?
and does anyone knoo whos wagon this is and what the suspension set up its got?


  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    its not 94-97....its 94-95. i made that mistake when puchasing mine. the 96-97 is styled totally different from that one.
  • sweet.. im glad someone did it first. lol jk.

    your lip looks real good but r u sure its the same one i pictured up there?

    btw: where can i find more pics of ur ride? i couldnt find u in members rides
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    yea its the same one.

    i'm there in the "member's ride" somewhere. it's been a while since i've done anything to my wagon, so i might be on page one or two. i'm there tho
  • SLeePERSLeePER New Wagonist
    u dindt have to cut your lip in the middle though right? Just trim the 2 ends a few inches
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    yup. the first thing i did was attatch the middle with some nuts abd bolts. then used a blow-torch to soften the plastic. then pretty much held it in place until they started to get the shape of our bumper. just attatch the lip as you go. then the ends came, attached the lip the bumped, and cut off remaining lip excess.

    NJ did his differently. he cut his in the middle, but he had hooks up to mend the three pieces back to together and make it look like it hadn't been cut. i didnt have access to that, so i went the ghetto way.
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