Carbon Fiber LIps?

If you can put CRX/Accord/DA Integra LIPS on the Wagons, why hasnt anyone put a CF lip from those model cars onto their wagons yet? I know there not direct fitment but from i read, you only have to trim a lil here and there depending on model vehicle lip...Just curious...


  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    well, my only thought on that is....

    its not really a "little" you trim off. with the accord lip i installed, i ended up cutting like two inches off the ends. but with that hard-plastic material it was easy to sand down to make it look like it hadn't been cut. but with CF, im not sure how clean the cut would look, and how much it would take to make it look decent. would you really want to mess up CF like that?
  • SLeePERSLeePER New Wagonist
    If its done right, then you can do anything with CF :).... Cutting it is no joke though that's for sure.
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    well....if you want to attempt it, then go for it. you'll be the first, that i know of

    good luck with it
  • SLeePERSLeePER New Wagonist
    LOL....So out of all the Lips, which is the easiest fitment?
  • I think pretty much any of them will require a little modification. I stuck one on from a CRX just to give the wagon some lippage. I didn't have to cut mine as Duckie did but besides that pretty much the same. Some use zip ties, I used screws and a heat gun to make mine fit properly. It all depends on how much lip you want really.
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    it really depends on what you want. everyone has has their own style. i liked the accord lip better, mainly because it was a bit larger than the civic/crx si lip. it gave the wagon a cooler profile to me.

    fitment wise.....i guess the crx/civic si lip as ragenasian mentioned
  • SLeePERSLeePER New Wagonist
    Sweet...thats what i wanted to hear...
  • BillBoardBillBoard council member
    i just put an acura legend lip on mine, not super big and looks classy...
    but like duckie i had to cut off 2 inces on the end, and an inch out of the middle... it actually turned out really clean looking, but took forever...

    plus i got the acura lip for free at the junk yard so it was good just
    to cut up and mess with anyway...
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    what?!?! you mean you put a new lip on the wagon and didnt show any of us?! how dare you :lol:

    post up pics! the legend is a new lip. usually its just the '89 teg, 94-95 accord, civic/crx si, and some mention of a VW lip (maybe the old jetta, not sure)
  • BillBoardBillBoard council member
    yeah i'll post pics after this weekend,
    the wagons getting dropped,
    plus i might put on a rear lip- its to be decided...
    also got a little JDM tow hook on the rear...
    pics by monday for sure... :D
  • JDMshuttleJDMshuttle Senior Wagonist
    i have a real J's racing for the wagon i will post shots soon :shock:
  • doesnt the 89 teg just bolt straight up w/o any modifications?

  • yea..i got mine for $14 gotta take 1-2 inches off the sides.


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