Auto to Manual Swap, worth it?

So I'm thinking about just swapping my auto to a manual, but want to know the typical cost involved. I'm no mechanic and plan on taking it to a shop with the parts I'd need, but what would I be looking at as an average for the wagon?
Am I better off trading or selling it and going for a manual, or just hanging on to the auto until one pops up?
Am I better off trading or selling it and going for a manual, or just hanging on to the auto until one pops up?
the pedal assembly is wagon specific so u will have to find that.
is the car RT4WD or FWD?
if its an RT i wouldnt bother unless u can find a cheap tranny....
its if FWD its really straight forward. i have all my parts saved up for my auto to manual except a clutch
I did a at to mt swap 10+ years ago before a lot of others had tried it and was told it couldnt be done blah, blah, blah. I had a complete donor car and figured it couldnt be that hard. Well it wasnt, but it was very time consuming. If I wouldnt have had a spare car to rob all teh little things from, it would have ending up nickle and diming me to death.
As for the pedals I thought they weren't Wagon specific as there was a pedal swap done here on the boards where they put the pedals from a 88-91 hatch into a wagon no problem. The brake light connector was in a different spot but otherwise it all looked to be the same and screwed in no prob.
How much would you think the parts and installation would run? I want to actually get a manual ECU instead of jerry-rigging my Automatic one to convert it over to manual.
I've looked up here on thee boards via the search for swaps, a list of parts and whatnot; but, I never see a consistent or typical answer as to what exact parts are needed.
its the exact same as for a FWD wagon.