where can i get a rear lower hatch spoiler( Mid-Wing )?

like the title states...
is it aftermarket or JDM/OEM?


  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    i dont get what you're asking about.

    picture of an example would help
  • the one on the bottom of the hatch?????
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    ohhhhhh the mid-wing!!

    its just the same mid-wing that you can buy for the EF Hatch. its just modded a bit to fit the wagon. its not OEM by any standards. west-wings i think? someone stop me if im wrong, and i know i am.

    you had me confused because the 'lower hatch' part. thats kinda mid-hatch, not to be nit-picky :P
  • quartersquarters Council Member
    the garbage dump, where they belong. just nasty. i'm not sorry i said it.
  • hey now!!! i think they look great on them. it gives them a more aggressive look.
  • hman1991hman1991 New Wagonist
    the original was mugen. then was copied by wings west. now there are tons of vendors. i had a poorly built fiberglass1 at 1 time.
  • so, is it just like he stated to where its not actually made for the wagovan, but an ef hatch??? what exactly do you modify?
  • JDMshuttleJDMshuttle Senior Wagonist
    hman1991 wrote:
    the original was mugen. then was copied by wings west. now there are tons of vendors. i had a poorly built fiberglass1 at 1 time.
    wrong it was a honda option. MUGEN copied this part everyone just calls It a MUGEN mid wing when it is a HONDA ACCESS. part yes WINGS WEST is your best bet
    btw i have one 2
  • JDMshuttle wrote:
    hman1991 wrote:
    the original was mugen. then was copied by wings west. now there are tons of vendors. i had a poorly built fiberglass1 at 1 time.
    wrong it was a honda option. MUGEN copied this part everyone just calls It a MUGEN mid wing when it is a HONDA ACCESS. part yes WINGS WEST is your best bet
    btw i have one 2

    I know j00 have one!!! ive seen it on h.t.
    ill check out wings west or something....unless you know who sells it...
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    yep thats the one
  • ok, so what exactly do i modify to make it work????
    and how much does this thing cost? :roll:
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    honda option??? did not know that. who can find a pic of an original?
  • JDMshuttleJDMshuttle Senior Wagonist
    search HONDA-TECH for EF mid wing
  • JDMshuttle wrote:
    search HONDA-TECH for EF mid wing

    i searched. found nothing but crap. :roll:
    Got mine from Wings West years ago........
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    i dont post on H-T. i really dont like it there....too many stupid people who think they're the shit. i went one time, and these 'tards started to yell at this noob about the ZC. seriously, a 5 page arguement on what is really considered a ZC? these guys need to get their head out of their ass and admit they are wrong sometimes. pride isnt everything. if someone proves you wrong, then move on. dont get all mad and offensive and try to defend yourself when he obviously knows more than you

    anywho....i figured all i would run into would be the copies. i want to see an original.
  • wtf hes charging 60 bucks to ship it. he can kiss my ass. :?
  • BillBoardBillBoard council member
    yeah- its probably not actually 60 bucks to ship, they're just trying
    to get their 130$ bucks out of it.. thats the cheapest i've found it...
  • it looks to be a cheap version of it....
    wings west looks like it slightly wraps around the side of the wagon.
  • BillBoardBillBoard council member
    i believe there are 2 different types of mid wings-

    the one that does not wrap around

    the one that does
  • do i have to drill holes?
    Yes. You have to drill holes into the hatch so you can bolt in on.
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