To many KM's for trip,

He guys i found a wagon thats mint and has 285 000 kms.
Owner says she changed oil ever 2500-3000 kms.
Do you guys think with that many kms it could make a 14-16 hour drive with small fill up stops and breaks. Thanks guys. Hope to be wagon owner soon.


  • As long as you have confidence in how the car was cared for then I say yes. I went from Seattle to Chicago with a wagon that had 279,000km (173,000mi) on it and it made it with no problems. I would ask the owner outright..."Will this car make a 3000km trip?". Base your decision on his answer.
    thanks for imput.
  • NZ-DB8RNZ-DB8R Moderator
    Any car could die as soon as you turn outta the first street. Its a risk you take with second hand cars.
    The kms on the motor dont mean anything, my ones engine was smokey and leaking oil after 155,000kms others last well over 300,000kms
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