clicking/knocking noise in third gear????
so last night is when this problem arrised.... i was driving like i normally do, and when i put the car into third gear and was accelerating it started to make this click noise in 3rd gear, its almost like when something rotates around it hits on something and its gets faster and louder the more you accelerate. there is no grinding noise, no gear wine, just this clack clack clack.... that gets faster and faster as i accelerate. has anyone ran into t his problem before, could it be the tranny going, or it something just shifted out of place? sorry for the lame sound effect description,any input would be greatly appreciated.
i was thinking that too, but the noise does not get faster when accelerating, it stays that the same pace, which led me to believe that its not something caught, that would get faster, with the parts/etc, moving faster. it is getting looked at by my mechanic tomorrow. he is going to put it up on a lift, and get it running and into 3rd, then is gonna probe around to see where the noise is coming from. if this car needs a tranny, it will be up for sale, along with my parts car, i will keep you all updated on my findings.
Oh... obviously you'd need to unfit a bunch of connections and the driveshafts etc. but most certainly is not a 14hr job!!