clicking/knocking noise in third gear????

so last night is when this problem arrised.... i was driving like i normally do, and when i put the car into third gear and was accelerating it started to make this click noise in 3rd gear, its almost like when something rotates around it hits on something and its gets faster and louder the more you accelerate. there is no grinding noise, no gear wine, just this clack clack clack.... that gets faster and faster as i accelerate. has anyone ran into t his problem before, could it be the tranny going, or it something just shifted out of place? sorry for the lame sound effect description,any input would be greatly appreciated.


  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    thats the same thing my tranny was doing in my GSR when i chewed up the ring gear and counter shaft together. except mine was doing it in all gears. im willing to bet somethings messed up if your going to fix your tranny do it before it tottaly goes if not buy yourself another tranny ASAP so u have it around.
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Before you check the tranny i'd check your tyres and axels - it reminds me of what kids used to do to their bikes with playing cards.
  • Pacifier wrote:
    Before you check the tranny i'd check your tyres and axels - it reminds me of what kids used to do to their bikes with playing cards.

    i was thinking that too, but the noise does not get faster when accelerating, it stays that the same pace, which led me to believe that its not something caught, that would get faster, with the parts/etc, moving faster. it is getting looked at by my mechanic tomorrow. he is going to put it up on a lift, and get it running and into 3rd, then is gonna probe around to see where the noise is coming from. if this car needs a tranny, it will be up for sale, along with my parts car, i will keep you all updated on my findings.
  • not to bable on my life story with the car, but i would love to fix the car and keep it, if it is the tranny but.... 14 hrs labor do take the tranny out and put another in, my parts car has about 180k on the tranny, so if i went through the trouble of swapping who knows how long it will hold up, plus my wagon has 210k on it. the cost to fix it would be more then what i payed for the car, plus the rear rust is getting very very bad. gotta love new york! as quarters always says "rust. i hate you." i certainly agree with him. if anyone has any info on the cost of rebuilds and labor, that are reasonable, throw some figures to me. thanks everyone, you have all always been so helpful.
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    uhhh... tranny can be done in like 3 hours.
  • really 3 hrs, my mechanic was telling me it was gonna take 14 hrs!! jeez, does it tell is in the factory manual labor time estimates, so maybe i can prove it to him some how? i would love to have the one swapped from my parts car, if it does infact end up being the tranny. hmmm three hours is way less then the 14, that is puzzling....have you changed one yourself, pacifier?
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    You can leave the engine in, remove three mounts and titlt the engine down and slide the gearbox off. This is provided you have the tools and a hoist to keep the engine tilted without hitting the chassis rail on the engine side.

    Oh... obviously you'd need to unfit a bunch of connections and the driveshafts etc. but most certainly is not a 14hr job!!
  • thanks for the input pacifier, i will def have to bring this up to my mechanic, and tell him about your suggestion, and see what he thinks, the car is getting looked at today for the noise its making, and ill find out later today what the verdict is. i will let you all know how i make out. thanks again.
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    I've done exactly this trick on my Civic Pro (JDM equivalent of a Wagovan) but the RT4WD should be no different aside from disconnecting the driveshaft from the trandsfer case.
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