GSR + Jackson Racing SC - Squeeze in?

Does anyone know if there is enough clearance to swap in a B18C1 with Jackson Racing supercharger? I've taken a ton of measurements and it looks close but was wondering if anyone has successfully put it together. I've searched all over but have yeilded no results.... It is a RT4WD car and I am using the CRV AWD 5 speed if it matters. Thanks!!


  • leWolfleWolf Senior Wagonist
    I was looking at this a while ago and was told it fits by several people, but it is so close to the firewall it isnt funny.
  • jt223539jt223539 New Wagonist
    The engine bay is the same size as a EF, so if it fits in there then it will fit into a wagon. Might have to dent the frame rail for the alternator, but that should be the extent of modification needed to fit.
  • JakerJaker familEE
    Be careful. The placement of the master cylinder is different in the Wagon than the hatchback and CRX. You could have issues. I know in my case, I could fit my M62 Endyn blower setup into the hatch with some minor mods to the blower snout and a couple washers in the motor mounts to lower the motor slightly. Not the case at all in the Wagon. I had to scrap the booster to move the MC back against the firewall so it would go in at all.
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