Legit Integra Console Swap

After a few PMs asking me to do a full write up, I have decided to start another thread. Hope this is okay, rather than adding it to my original thread.

I didn't take pictures throughout the process, I wish I did, but I'll do my best to lead you there.

Remember, if you want perfectly straight edges, you need something that will cut perfectly straight.
I used this to make my straight cuts
94+ Integra Console
Junk holder from that same 94+ Integra Console (see picture in step 5)
Radio Bezel from an EF anything

Other helpful items
Table Saw or equivalent

1st Step.
See here how to install console

Measure the gap between the upper and lower console. You need to take a MINIMUM of FOUR measurements. See the picture, measure A & B on both sides. REMEMBER, DO NOT CUT IT TOO SHORT. You can always trim off excess if it is too big. Also, you need the bottom screws to be in the radio bezel that is already installed in the car to get the proper measurements. If you don't, your measurements will be wrong.

Measure A and B on both sides.

Take the radio bezel from the EF, and cut it on the front side. Cut along the dotted lines, and cut off the tabs where the arrows are pointed.


Once you have your two halfs, you can now use the measurements you took from step 2. REMEMBER, DO NOT CUT IT TOO SHORT. You can always trim off excess if it is too big. I cut mine too big, then used a grinding wheel to trim the minor excess plastic.


Now that you have your piece fitted, you need to cut off the excess on the front so your OEM Acura Junk Holder can fit in its place. In order to allow your Junk Holder to fit properly, you need to (IMPORTANT) pull out your cup holder(just slightly, see the picture). This allows your junk holder to fit in there nice and snug.


If you are having problems with your Junk holder not fitting make sure you have done the following:
Cut the tabs off as explained above
Pulled your cup holder out slightly

Install your junk holder and take measurements (THE RED LINES IN THE PICTURE). Cut, but be precise.

Step 6.
Make sure everything lines up as you want it. Install the junk holder, then you will notice that the outside pieces don't line up flush. You will need to use washers to get it installed evenly.

Hopefully you have done it all correctly, and you have a factory looking arm rest and cup holders :)

Please post up your final product, and any questions.


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