Closest spray paint color to interior blue?

has anyone found the closest spray paint color to 1990 civic interior blue? more specifically the dash/ console.. thanks


  • FakeJDMEF8FakeJDMEF8 Senior Wagonist
    SEM paints will soon become your best friend. make sure and wipe down with alcohol and hit with Bulldog Promoter, too...
  • moebiiusmoebiius Wagonist
    I think he's asking for specfic color code off the bottle, kinda like the palmy grey interior for the red and grey wagons, I'm still fiddling with the colors on the SEM spray bottles....dark graphite, graphite, or .....anyone?
  • Mr GMr G Wagonist
    Sem doesn't have an actual colour for honda blue. :(

    I've got all three that were close and the 15643 I think was the number that was the closest. On the other hand apperantly we can mix the sem paint in house so... I shall see if it that works.
  • moebiiusmoebiius Wagonist
    How would you fix the spray bottle in house? Tint it with what? and rebottle it? I'm very interested! Thanks!
  • Mr GMr G Wagonist
    moebiius wrote:
    How would you fix the spray bottle in house? Tint it with what? and rebottle it? I'm very interested! Thanks!

    You can mix almost any paint in a spray form. I don't know the logistics on how it works but they just push the paint in the pressured can. It's weird.
  • hey dude, just go to a place where they mix paint for autobody(dupont/ppg/or what ever).
    they can match any paint you need and put in an aerosol bottle for you.
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