Help: Got hit and now my door is stuck

Some girl 3 days ago slipped on some ice and hit my car on the side. Now my door wont open.
Does any one here have some advice on how to open my door?
It seems that it just got pushed in and that perhaps the internals are busted.
I attached a picture of the damage.
Any kind of info would be helpful.


  • Well the door is stuffed anyway, so start cutting
  • Thanks for the input ill look around to see which tool would be best to cut a door with.
  • 6" Angle Grinder with a small cutting disc.

    Nice and controlled so you dont go cutting though the inner door panel or anything. If you cut down the edge you should be able to cut the door away from the catch mechanism which you can then tackle once you have better access
  • DRMORTYDRMORTY Council Member
    to bad you in Washington, I have a spare blue passenger door...
  • Greyhound! Take the glass out and you can probably ship it for about $70.
  • thanks for the replies. my buddy with a plasma cutter helped me out and the door is all gravy now.
  • H_civic66H_civic66 Senior Wagonist
    was the girl going 90? So are you able to salvage it or new one?
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