I decided that now being an "Old Fart" this stupid stuff of no AC since last summer and the heat plus pissing down rain was enough.
Tired of the fogged up Windows I went on with the lets evac the system and put freon in.
Well two o-rings later and some time shooting the shit. I have AC.
The only issue we really had was my Daughters nagging stomach. We went past lunch time so her belly was trying to eat her spine. But she was really good.
We found one thing that was kind of suspect, the blower seemed weak.
Bam told me he thought the blower was weak. I tended to agree due to the occasional reach under the dash and give the blower housing a slap.
Fathers day I changed out the blower. Hey what do you know I have speed differences.
AC in the wagon is nice.
It is so nice when it rains to push the little button and the window fog is gone.
Next on the list is tinted windows, new drive shafts and shocks cause mine are gradually going.
I have the under dash blower and thats it. Need lines that are compatible with the sanden compressor as that is the only compressor that will fit custom ac bracket needed with my bseries swap.
might have to do that so I dont kill it.
I took my daughter with me.
I decided that now being an "Old Fart" this stupid stuff of no AC since last summer and the heat plus pissing down rain was enough.
Tired of the fogged up Windows I went on with the lets evac the system and put freon in.
Well two o-rings later and some time shooting the shit. I have AC.
The only issue we really had was my Daughters nagging stomach. We went past lunch time so her belly was trying to eat her spine. But she was really good.
We found one thing that was kind of suspect, the blower seemed weak.
Bam told me he thought the blower was weak. I tended to agree due to the occasional reach under the dash and give the blower housing a slap.
Fathers day I changed out the blower. Hey what do you know I have speed differences.
AC in the wagon is nice.
It is so nice when it rains to push the little button and the window fog is gone.
Next on the list is tinted windows, new drive shafts and shocks cause mine are gradually going.
I know I have some of the lines sitting if you need them.
So if u got em, most def, ill take em!