Clutch pedal assembly

im doing the b20 swap this weekend and i still need to grab new pedals with a clutch. went to a couple junkyards to try and track down a ef but didnt have any luck. what other cars pedal assembly can i use for cable clutch tranny?


  • If you're looking for a straight bolt-in the only one that'll work is the Wagon pedal assembly. It's different than the Hatch CRX and Sedan. I don't think any other chassis version will fit either. If you're thinking EG or EK or somethign like that they're for hydraulic so that won't work. All bets are off for anything other than the Wagon.
  • ok. damn i cant find a pedal assembly anywhere, i was hoping with how interchangable honda parts are that maybe some other cars pedals would bolt up.....
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