Lowering woes

Hello All,

I bought my '91 4wd wagon about a year back and knew almost nothing about cars. It looked cool, was pretty cheap, was 4wd, and got ~35 mpg. Awesome.

I've done a little bit of work here and there to fix a few things that have been going wrong, and in the meantime, have been learning how to do this stuff so that I can buy parts off of rockauto and do it myself for 30% of the cost! (go-go self-employed entrepreneur w/ grant funding)

Come this year: I take it to Midas for an inspection that I fully (naively) expect to pass and suddenly... whabam! $1500 bill to get it back on the road with a stupid sticker in the window :cry:

Anywho, long story short, I was able to do most of it myself and the reason that this post is in the suspension/braking/wheels category is because one of the line items was that my front tires were worn on the inside (to shit). I finally feel confident enough to ask for assistance on what I need to take my wagon with a lowering kit and find the cheapest/best solution to get the sucker back into camber. I think I can do the work myself, so I just need to figure out which parts are going to get me where I need to be... (I think I'm off by -3% on the rear and -2.1%(ish) on the front) Are there cheap solutions? Which solutions are the best bang for my buck at this point?



  • If your toe is adjusted properly the tires will last a long time, even with lots of negative camber. It's the incorrectly adjusted toe that really chews up the inner edge of your tires. The camber will shorten their life marginally, but nothing like the wrong toe settings.

    Oh, and this is not Internet hear-say. This is my own personal real life experience (25 years worth) with lowered Hondas.
  • Haha, thanks! I think that I'm going to grab this camber kit from rockauto for the rear wheels (they're out 3.7% and 2.8% (negative)) because they seem to be pretty cheap. I'm told that -2.1 for both the fronts is not bad and gives better handling?

  • PavementwagoPavementwago Senior Wagonist
    U can just use washers for the rear. Or a cheap ebay one. But ya listen go jaker ur camber is nothing. Just get ur toe set right at les schwab.
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