Buying an RT this weekend and need some advice

So I'm off to buy the car this weekend in Seattle, the guy now wants me to wire him $500 or he will sell it locally, should I wire him the money? He says he wants assurance that I will buy the car unseen personally besides the pictures he sent. Should I wire him the money? We bank at the same bank but I'm giving him assurance that I'll buy it but I'm not getting any assurance for myself. Any guide from veteran craigslisters would be appreciated. Also if I fly out would anyone wling to help me out? heck out the car, pretend like a potential buyer? We have already agreed on a price of $2600 and I already booked my flight for Friday morning. Bwilling to help me out? I'll pay you for your time. Thanks for helping a fellow hcw member! Pm me if you can help


  • JDMWago666JDMWago666 Senior Wagonist
    IMO I'd be really skeptic about wiring the money to him. Show him your plane ticket saying that you are going out there for sure and I would think that'll be enough assurance. What happens if you don't like it? Is he gonna give you the money back? Probably not. Than you wasted time and money on going out there if you don't end up getting it. This is just how I see it.
  • I told him that I would forward the email for my plane ticket and he said it wasn't enough assurance, kept on rambling on about selling it locally if I don't wire him the "non refundable" money his words exactly, just got off the phone with him too, he doesn't care about my plane ticket and me travelin two states up to buy it from him. With my luck when I get there he's no where to be seen and I'm out of $500(chalk it up to stupidity) and plane fare back. Anyone local go see this car yet? He was statin that he is a stand up guy and would never burn me cuz he wasn't raised that way...what happens ifthe car in the pictures that he sent me is not the car he's selling? Anyone local help a brother out? Thanks
  • JDMWago666JDMWago666 Senior Wagonist
    My thoughts exactly. "Non refundable" doesn't sound good to me at all, sounds like a scam. If it wasn't a scammer than he would hold it for you, IMO.
    There was a thread about a guy that was scamming people on here not too long ago, I can't seem to find it. Think it was deleted. I do remember the guy being in washington and it was a red rt wagon. Saying he had a "sucker" from LA going to pick it up soon and he was going to raise the price. Might be him, might not but it does sound like a scam to me.
  • I think you need to save your 500 dollars and wait for the next wagon to come along. Scammers always sound like the most stand up people on this planet up until they take your money.
  • I'd pass as well.

    Not sure where you're from, but you might want to wait until spring if you're going to buy a wagon and drive it back to where you live.
  • inceptioninception New Wagonist
    sounds like a scam to me...I wait
  • I'm gonna try to Paypal him, if he was a scammed Paypal will figure it out? Isn't it protected ? I'm from San jose ca
  • CharbCharb Administrator
    I've got one I'll sell for less :p
  • Charb! I will buy! Is it stock? Pm me bro!
  • JDMWago666JDMWago666 Senior Wagonist
    Go for charbs because this really sounds like a scam. Paypal will cover it to a certain extent. If you give him the money than you're following his agreement and paypal will not cover that since it was agreed that the money is "non refundable"
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    Don't do it. Paypal's arbitration is a JOKE. Send the 500, it's gone.
  • Charb, you wanna sell your car or what lol?!?
  • ppruepprue Wagonist
    It's is a scam, people are falling for it everyday. I'm getting pounded by this stuff at work daily. It's rampant on C.L. and E-Bay.
  • I wouldnt do it man, sounds waaay sketchy plus its not a give away price either.....
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