
ok so i know this might be covered but ive looked for an hour and cant find anything. i just lowered my car with coil sleeves yesterday and it rode good. Today i decided to go a little lower and i noticed when i hit about 25mph that the car starts vibrating then stops and i believe it continues when i go faster. i havent dared to try it on the freeway. any suggestions or thoughts???


  • Alignment.

  • Fasttype3Fasttype3 New Wagonist
    so my allignment is that bad? i raised up the car 1/2 an inch and the vibrating stopped.
  • viewtopic.php?f=5&t=11608&start=30

    Start reading on the 12th of Jan. There's a bunch of stuff in between about mini-trucks and stolen vehicles, but once you get to page 3, you'll start seeing some good info about being really low and having axle binding issues. Oh, and get your alignment checked as well.
  • Fasttype3Fasttype3 New Wagonist
    alright cool, thanks alot
  • PavementwagoPavementwago Senior Wagonist
    oh sweet jaker used my link for info. thanks jaker. hope it kinda helps.
  • CRWagonCRWagon Band Wagon
    If the allignment is good, in my country we make something called "balancing" which consists in placing little metal plates to balance the weight of the ring, it eliminates the vibration, especially when you go faster or on braking...
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