looks so hot dude... btw how did u tint the taillights because i want to do that to my wagon. thanks
Thanks man!
I went to the local paint shop and had them mix clearcoat and black paint together and put into spray cans. It took several coats to get that dark, but that way you can get the amount of tinting you like. Pretty easy really, but the paint stuff was kinda spendy cause you had to buy it in quarts. Ended up making 6 spraycans worth.
astuto, nadda. I used all mine up on my Toyota. Solly meng.
949, thanks, and Im hoping when Bill pulls his ass outta bed he will post some more up. I know my woman took a few last night too, but she took the camera to work for other stuff today. So I can get more next week, if Bill falls through.
Ver nice indeed. I like a lot of the shots Mirco took. I have yet to see what the little lady snapped.
We will get more once dj is done with his. This shoot had zero planning. Both my cars were dissambled an hour prior to these pix. I know Bills was apart as well, had to come borrow tools, lol.
When we have some planning, or I know Bill is in town more tha 20 min in advance, we should be able to get soem really good shots.
And no problems with the burnouts evol911. Someone had to do it. I tried, but to no avail. awd sticks too good.
Thanks man!
I went to the local paint shop and had them mix clearcoat and black paint together and put into spray cans. It took several coats to get that dark, but that way you can get the amount of tinting you like. Pretty easy really, but the paint stuff was kinda spendy cause you had to buy it in quarts. Ended up making 6 spraycans worth.
red hot!!!
triple chillie hot!!!
muy caliente
more pics man!!!
949, thanks, and Im hoping when Bill pulls his ass outta bed he will post some more up. I know my woman took a few last night too, but she took the camera to work for other stuff today. So I can get more next week, if Bill falls through.
i just woke up... 8)
http://www.idahomotorsports.com/forum/s ... hp?t=37983
so who is optise prime?
billboard, shenrie, and shenrie...
that nig has 2 wagons...
We will get more once dj is done with his. This shoot had zero planning. Both my cars were dissambled an hour prior to these pix. I know Bills was apart as well, had to come borrow tools, lol.
When we have some planning, or I know Bill is in town more tha 20 min in advance, we should be able to get soem really good shots.
And no problems with the burnouts evol911. Someone had to do it. I tried, but to no avail. awd sticks too good.