Finally (take 2)

I took this picture three years ago and haven't done a thing with the car since. Until today. I finally washed it (first time in three years). Then I organized/inventoried all the parts/peices I have/need. After that I dove straight into replaceing the timing belt and water pump on the D16Z6 I'm using for the swap. Man it looks like shit, but it's getting better!
Some before shots. This is what I'm dealing with here people.
And after. Much better.
Off to a good start, looks good man!
Finally wasn't feeling too sick of working on cars and cleaned the front of the motor, replaced the front crank and cam seals, and installed the new timing belt tensioner pulley.
Thanks @Turbod16z6!
Timing belt! And the crowd goes wild!
love the z6 engine's did one with my first wagon (2013) best thing i did to it, I'm trying to do the same as you complete maintenance with my a6. keep it up
@Vtec_Shuttle that's nice to hear. I've been wondering if the swap will be enough or if I should start looking at superchargers... ha. But yeah, I guess I'm trying to keep it pretty stock... for the most part. I'd love to do a big cam and itb's and just make it a chop monster, but I really want to daily drive it too, so we'll see. Your wagon looks super clean by the way.
@thehons Define enough haha, these SOHC are decent but they don’t have that much power/torque if you want to go fast. For a daily it’s good. A supercharger would be nice if you find a complete one or throw a little turbo in it, ITBs and big cam would sound really nice. thank you appreciate it, if your talking about the brown wagon I recently sold that and now I’m slowly working on my RT4WD wagon needs a lot of basic maintenance
I enjoy a good before and after.
Been a while, so here’s another quick before and after.
The engine looks real nice. I need to do this to mine when I pull it out
Vtec_Shuttle! My old pal! I think you’re the only one that reads my posts haha. How you been? How’s the wagon?
How’s it going, I pop in once in awhile. barely anyone here. I’ve been busy just life the wagon is doing good it’s my daily driver as of now, I did a complete suspension overhaul I’m going to update my build today