New owner to a 88 Wagovan

So My name is Fabian, I've had Honda's, but this is my first Wagovan. Super excited, she has 270k miles, no funny noises like my last crx, needs some work, but nothing major. Just got it a couple days ago so I haven't really driven it. Looking forward to making new friends, not looking to get on anybodies bad side. Will add pictures later, along with the motor build for my del sol.
Camry looks bad
Camry looks bad
here is the project del sol
Anybody had insurance pay out their wagon?
I highly doubt it will get fixed, not worth it in my eyes. Not to mention there is no parts in my area.
As afar as a part out I'll know as soon as the insurance gets back to me. I'm In the middle of purchasing a second house and there are No funds to buy another car, so I will be driving it till I figure something out. But I'll post it here, at least the small stuff if I part it.
i got 2800 and kept my wagon after showing comps in the area ( mines 4wd tho ) - oh and I got to keep the car! otherwise it was going to be 3200 , either that or it was 3800 and 4200 i cant remember exactly . but it was at least 2800 lol
Good deal. ill keep a look out. And yeah i was definitely worried mine would be totaled. To the point to where i had arranged with the kid to settle without insurance OR police involvement...but that failed when he started getting flakey. Luckily he admitted insurance would be the best route.
OH man. They are going to want to give me $200 check. No bueno
I paid $1350 for it so not much of a loss. It's just going to be hard finding another cheap car. There's another wagon local to me but he wants like $3k lol. That's not going to happen.
Long story short, if the vehicle is worth it to you, it looks like it's definitely able to be fixed.
I hate salvage titles, if only for the reason that people are very wary about buying a vehicle that has one. Even though in the instance of this wagon, clearly it wasn't destroyed beyond all belief. They just value them at next to nothing.