Parasitic draw

For the past 3 months about every 2 weeks my car wont start.
I have replaced both the battery and alternator. I have had them checked and re-checked...
Both are good!!
I Performed a Parasitic Draw Test
Nice how to from Eric the car guy
I found when I pull the Hazard fuse (under the hood) its all good, but now my auto seat belts don't work..
I have read on an Acura Integra forum 90-93 people have the same problem and they have traced it back to the auto seat belts still drawing power even after the car is turned off and key is removed. It seem this problem is caused because the 90-93 integra had a door latch problem. if the door is not latched tight the auto belt will draw power..
Although my door on my 91 rt is latching properly it does seem to be drawing power..
Has anyone else had this problem??
I have been looking for a wiring diagram but unable to find one..
Does anyone have one??
I have replaced both the battery and alternator. I have had them checked and re-checked...
Both are good!!
I Performed a Parasitic Draw Test
Nice how to from Eric the car guy
I found when I pull the Hazard fuse (under the hood) its all good, but now my auto seat belts don't work..
I have read on an Acura Integra forum 90-93 people have the same problem and they have traced it back to the auto seat belts still drawing power even after the car is turned off and key is removed. It seem this problem is caused because the 90-93 integra had a door latch problem. if the door is not latched tight the auto belt will draw power..
Although my door on my 91 rt is latching properly it does seem to be drawing power..
Has anyone else had this problem??
I have been looking for a wiring diagram but unable to find one..
Does anyone have one??
you can hear a slight click like a stuck relay when putting in the fuse, takes about 2 days to drain for me.
New Battery & Alternator.
The diagrams show it has the brake pedal and lights, the horn, and the 'interlock' system, not to be confused with central locking.
Most people suffering this problem on the forums have a door light usually on which is not the case for me.
Pretty sure it's not a drain from the brake or horn systems. need to check the doors, people say the door open close / seat belt sensor,
That's the area i'd be checking.
This was happening before the OBD-1 upgrade seems we're both on P08/P28 etc...
Any insight is appreciated if someone has experience with this.
I will post my test results!!
When I removed the right side (passenger) the draw went away.
So I replaced the auto seat belt control box from a 90 sedan and the problem no longer exist.
The auto seat belt control box is also linked to the Hazard fuse that is under the hood.
My draw is from the smallest black plug on the ignition barrel, it would engage every time i put the hazard/horn fuse in and drain my battery over 2-3 days.
I'm guessing it's the block that doesn't let you remove the key until it's back in park?
Even after just disconnecting this i no longer have a parasitic draw and the key still works fine.