I am so close to being done but I'm faced with defeat.

So I have finally got my wagon swapped from the stock d15 to a d16y7 with stick trany,
so im buttoning everything up and i notice that my driver side axle won't insert all the way in to the trany
I screw around with it for a bit and figure out <the motor sits a little to the right so now the driver side axle is too long
and won't allow the driver side hub to get completely put back
so now iIam faced with taking it to my local shop (which i don't want to do) because they screw me over on labor but i have no idea how to handle this?
so im buttoning everything up and i notice that my driver side axle won't insert all the way in to the trany
I screw around with it for a bit and figure out <the motor sits a little to the right so now the driver side axle is too long
and won't allow the driver side hub to get completely put back
so now iIam faced with taking it to my local shop (which i don't want to do) because they screw me over on labor but i have no idea how to handle this?
this is my current set up
the passenger mount dosnt want to line up what mounts should i get to fix this.
so let me get theis straight i need fwd gear box mounts and could you link the thread you are referring too i couldnt find it
Take a close look at that long cv axle. Make sure you haven't pulled one of the joints apart. It happens sometimes. Also make sure it's going all the way into the transmission. I think we've turned an axle question into a mount discussion.
now i put the ,otor in mounted it up and now the driver side axle is too long it wont sit corectly in the trans which makes it so i cant put the driverside hub back together because its poking out?
idk if its a trans,axle or mount problem?
I'm currently doing the same swap (JDM d15, same for these purposes) on brother's wagon.